Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Advancing Atheism

I am starting this blog for one reason... to spread the word that there are indeed Atheists in Canada and Saskatchewan in particular. Atheists who are very hesitant to let their Atheism be known because of its negative impact on their lives professionally and personally.

It is true! Most atheists here in the "rural bible belt" fear the open expression of their atheism because of possible repercussions to businesses and the erosion of our standing in the community.

I write this with a wish to overcome my own fear of Atheistic bashing. I want to take small steps every day to stand out from the religious and faithful. To speak up when unproven dogma is advanced as fact.

To say "No! Atheists will not be the despised in our society!" (much like the homosexual or lesbian of 50 years ago) We are not lesser citizens as George Bush recently purported when he said "Atheists are not to be considered good citizens".

We will prevail...

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